Monday, May 18, 2020

Jewelry making for the beginner

Do you want to make your own jewelry but do not really know where and how to start?

In addition to the creative work of designing and manufacturing jewelry, it is incredibly fun to be able to wear their own manufactured creations. Or maybe give as a gift to loved ones.

Here I go through the basics and gather my very best tips for the beginner who wants to learn how to make beautiful jewelry.

When you start looking around in stores that sell jewelry accessories, it can feel like a jungle and hard to know what you need to buy. But the fact is that you don't actually need that much material, accessories and tools to get started. Skipping the special tools and investing in the type of tools that are more general and can be used for several types of techniques.

You absolutely do not need to buy the most expensive tools. Sooner or later you will find out what you are comfortable with and then it may be worth investing in more quality.

What materials and tools are good to start with?

  • Wire wire is a metal wire with a plastic coating that is very durable that you can use with clamping beads.
  • Clamp beads used to secure the lock to the wire.
  • Cutting pliers are a must and are used to cut the wire.
  • Pliers are used to clamp the clamp beads.
  • Lock.
  • Double rings or chain.
  • The bead mat is not a must at first but greatly facilitates keeping the little beads in place on the table.
  • Beads. When buying pearls , it may be wise to start with a bag of mixed pearls. This way you get a good base with different beads quickly and cheaply and can try out what kind of beads you like and enjoy working with.
  • When you start working on your jewelry, you can start by thinking about how you want it to look. For example, try to put the beads on a row in front of you.

Borrow a book at the library or search for good instructional videos online. On Youtube there are many creative instructional videos about jewelry making. Once you understand the basics of how to make jewelry, it is great to experiment and test yourself until you find different methods that are right for you.

For those who want a little more guidance while you learn, you can always find a good course for jewelry making.

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